•12 sets of pec cards for children and adults with special needs. Including Autism.
•Each set is lightly different so that they can be easily identified.
•Great to use for those who struggle with verbal communication or changes in routine.
Good for praise, behaviour modification and general day to day understanding.
•Can be made into fans or keyrings or used separately to plan routines.
•Example of each set is shown on the picture but each set includes more than just the cards shown, with full details shown below.
•Every person has differing needs – should you want extra pictures added into any of the sets, please just let us know and we will add them in for you free of charge.
•The 12 sets are as follows:
•Autism awareness: explains to others what Autism is and helps with interaction. Cards include: explanation of Autism, explanation of behaviour, explanation of verbal understanding, cards to be completed by carer – things I like, things I don’t like, I get upset when…, the calm down when…, ways I communicate…, photo of me, my address is, my school is…
•Behaviour cards – traffic light think, red light, yellow light, green light, well done, good, stop, think.
•Dangers: cards include – danger, electricity, do not touch, do not eat, do not drink, sharp, slippery, hot, yes, no, stop, poison
•Difficulties: cards include – too hot, too cold, it hurts, too crowded, noisy, smelly, messy, too bright, tastes bad, tired, sick, hungry, lonely, angry, sad
•Going out: cards include out, home, dog, walk, car, bike, bus, taxi, school, shop, park, doctors, hospital, dentist, family, holiday, train, swimming, bowling
•Emotions: cards include – happy, sad, confused, angry, scared, tired, excited, surprised
•Medical and help needed: cards include – medicine, tablets, bandage, crutches, injection, help, wheelchair, teacher, doctor, nurse, nappy, insulin, sanitary towel, tampon, underwear, bin, first aid, glasses, hearing aid, plaster
•Home to school routine: cards included – wake up, get dressed, wash, teeth, hair, breakfast, school bag, car, seat belt, school, home, homework, toilet
•Instructions: cards include – ask, sit, quiet, choose, listen, wait, line, tidy, eat, drink, sleep
•Lessons: cards include – maths, English, science, reading, library, music, PE, computers, group work, art, writing, outside, lunch, snack, home, assembly, religion, cooking, swimming, history, geography, blank card to add extras.
•Toilet routines: cards include – need toilet? Shut door, pants down, sit down, change, wee (girl), wee (boy), poo, wipe, throw tissue, stand up, pants up, wash hands, dry hands
•Morning routines: cards include – wake up, toilet, wash, dry, brush teeth, comb hair, get dressed, breakfast, shoes, coat.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
15 A4 rules posters to display in your classroom
Each poster shows a different way to be responsible.
All posters can be seen in the cover picture.
Posters can also be used on the whiteboard at the beginning of the term to refresh rules with pupils and set standards.
Resources included are as follows:
15 PDF files for you to print.
A range display materials to make an attractive display to remind children about their noise levels.
A3 voice levels chart as seen on advertisement photo
Extra large voice levels display – each level on an A4 sheet
Large numbers to display around the room with matching pictures – great to put with different activities to indicate the noise needed in this area.
Alternative version on posters for around the room with low ink capacity
Small numbers for display
Large letters to head display
Long banner for title
A4 title page
Table top noise levels reminder
Writing sheets to write about each noise level – great for all your class or for specific children
Writing and drawing frames
Display border
Bookmarks for silent reading
This is a great pack of resources with tasks and display posters about behaviour – including topics such as taking responsibility for your actions, breaking the law, not following your friends, following instructions etc. There are several tasks for pupils to complete such as time out cards, running tasks, writing tasks etc.
Display titles and borders are also included to add to your display.
Includes the following letters and sounds:
a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
ai ar au aw ay ie ir oa ee er ew oe oi or ou ow oy ue ur spl igh ure ear str air bb bl ch ck cl cr ff gn ld le ll mp nd ng ph qu sh sl sn sp ss st sw th tt wh zz
long a long e long i
long o long u long x
long ea long oo
short oo short ea
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
All the signs showed on the signpost are included for you to print, cut and display similar to the example shown. Each sign is half an A4 page in size in landscape format. You can print them smaller or photocopy them larger.
Also there are 25 A5 preposition posters, each with the preposition, matching picture and example sentence.
Long banner to head wall display spelling ‘Prepositions’ is included too.
Also a picture of white wood grain is included to allow you to make the sign as small or large as you wish or use as backing paper if you wish.
Resources include:
Aspect 1
What can you hear? Poster to display or to use during sound walks.
Sound walk activity
Large ears to make a sound walk head band
Sound walk drawing chart
Sound poster pack – A4 posters showing different noises – such as thunder, singing, crying, etc
Noise shakers task including instructions and noise cards
Sound cards for children to put in order of which they like and don’t like, with templates for them to draw their own too
Aspect 2
Instruments poster pack- A4 photo posters of different common instruments such as drums, triangle, maracas, cymbals etc
Grandmas footsteps game – where children listen and recognise noises and learn to follow task instructions.
Grandma face mask to use during sound task
Instruments colouring pages
Aspect 3
A collection of sound poems:
5 currant buns poem with props
5 fat sausages poem with props
The wheels on the Bus poem with props
Loud and Quiet task – help children discriminate between loud and quiet noises
2 hand puppets to accompany the loud and quiet task
Photo pack of quiet and noisy
Aspect 4
Hickory Dickory Dock poem poster , props, colouring pages
Humpty Dumpty poem poster, large props, colouring pages
I hear Thunder poem poster, with props
Incy Wincy Spider poem poster, hand puppet to draw and make
It’s Raining, It’s Pouring poem poster, plus old man face mask
Rain Rain Go Away poem poster with rain drop finger puppets
The Sun Has Got His Hat On poem poster, bingo game, sorting cards
Aspect 5
Alliteration cards for listening to initial sounds – one card per letter with pictures and words – ‘ants on the apple aaa’, ‘balls are bouncing bbb’ etc
Odd one out posters or activity for initial sounds – A4 posters for each letter of the alphabet, each with 4 pictures where one picture does not have the correct starting sound
Aspect 6
Photo poster pack – encourage children to make the sounds associated with the photos, such as animals, transport, people, objects etc
2 Versions of Munching robots game – includes full instructions, 4 robot face masks and 80 small picture cards with envelope for select and storage
Animal voices poster pack – A4 posters of different noisy animals to encourage children to hear sounds in a fun way
Animal face masks
Aspect 7
Initial sound cards – A5 flashcards for each letter of the alphabet – showing lower case letters, and object and its name
I Spy game – with full instructions, 36 A5 object cards for pupils to read (c-a-t etc) and blank template to add
further words yourself
Alphabet flashcards with lower case letters, classroom rules posters, certificates, badges, information for parent
Resources included are as follows:
PDF or PPT files for you to print.
A large range of inspiration posters, great to make a display around your classroom.
Excellent resource to use with your Growth Mindset topic as well as to motivate pupils with low self esteem.
Resources are as follows:
•90 A4 posters showing each phonic sound and grapheme – with 2-3 pictures and corresponding words, and 6 more words for that sound, each with the sound highlighted
•90 A4 posters showing word list for each phonic sound with highlighted sound
•90 tracing worksheets – one for each sound
•Lined pages for writing practise
•Writing borders to frame pupils work
•3 sets of different title letters – plain, patterned and easy to cut
•Long banner to head display ‘Phonics’
•2 different shade of pink display borders to edge your wall display. Backing paper in pink to print if needed.
•Resources sack tag
•Folder, binder drawer labels
Included resources:
2 phonic sounds A4 posters showing all the sounds of phase 2
Phonic fans – showing the 22 sounds from phase 2
22 x A4 phonic posters or flashcards – with sound, pictures and words.
A4 poster of High Frequency Words included in this phase.
34x half A4 captions for this phase.
35 word and picture domino cards
36 word and picture cards
36 picture cards with missing vowels.
36 spellings cards for pupils to write the word from the picture.
4 different Bingo games.
3 worksheets.
Phase 2 words revision poster.
Also includes a range of 23 Games, activities or tasks for each phonic sound include.
1 syllable word poster
2 syllable word poster
3 syllable word poster
Blank charts for pupils to fill in 1, 2 and 3 syllable words
1 syllable word cards
2 syllable word cards
3 syllable word cards
CVC word list – adding a letter to the end of each word
CVC word list – adding a letter before each word
200 large word cards
100 words on different items of clothing to make a washing line
Props to add to washing line game
Grapheme large cards with photos and completed words
Grapheme large cards with photos and a space for pupils to fill in the word
Grapheme flashcards
Grapheme word mat for supporting pupils at their desks or displaying on the IWB for group reading
Grapheme A3 poster for displaying in the literacy area
I can… booklet – booklet for pupils to copy sentences and draw pictures
Grapheme letter fans
Phoneme frames in colour and black and white – great for spelling exercises one to one, in small groups or full class activities
Sentence substitution poster – showing sentences that fit in the phase and other words that can be added in to make alternate sentences
Sentence cards with matching picture cards
Extra large sentence cards – great for using on the IWB or displaying around the room
Rubber duck reading game – with all the props you need for a great kinaesthetic game
Slam dunk syllable spelling game – with basketball nets and hoops, and word cards
Tricky words bingo game
Tricky words colourful flashcards
Tricky words display poster
Small grapheme word cards and matching picture cards
Question cards with yes and no answer cards for pupils to read and answer
1.2 phonic sounds A4 posters showing all the sounds of phase 5
2.Phonic fans – showing the 21 sounds from phase 5 –
3.22 x A4 phonic posters or flashcards –each showing the sound, and example pictures and words for that sound.
4.2 x A4 posters of High Frequency Words included in this phase.
5.34x half A4 sentence for phase 5.
6.45 word domino cards
7.30 word and picture cards
8.30 picture cards with missing sounds to fill in.
9.30 spellings cards for pupils to complete.
10. 5 Bingo board games and cards to select.
11. 6 worksheets for pupils to draw a picture and write the words.
12.Phase 2 words revision poster.
13.3 x A4 posters of tricky words including in this phase.
14.2 x A4 posters showing alternative spellings for sh sound and zh sound.
15. 15 x A4 size Yes/No questions to display
16.Make your own yes and no questions / conversations task including people / character cards.
17.Homophones worksheet
18.Opposites treasure hunt cards
19.Rhyming worksheet
20.Poem writing task.
21.2 x long vowel worksheets
22.2 x odd one out worksheets
23.17 x A4 posters showing consonant blends
24.8 reading tasks
25.Dartboard bingo game for phonic sounds
26.Plus others ….
Also includes Games, activities or tasks for each sound:
1. ay– days of the week task for writing and spellings
2.ie –tie limbo dancing – thinking and spelling words
3.Ou-pop out pop corn picking game for reading practice in a fun way
4.Ea– writing words in stars for art display
5.Oy– spinner toy game reading practise fun game
6.Ir– circus words writing game
7.Aw– 5 colourful jigsaws of pictures and words to match and glue into books or display
8.Ph– phonics fans for writing practise for sentences
9.Wh– what word game, blindfold activity for spelling fun, also a wh worksheet filling in missing words
10.Ew– jewel gems – making necklaces with colourful gems and ew words
11.Ue– making a statue art activity
12.Oe– fingers and toes cards for probability / guessing game
13.Au– egg flipping game in a saucepan
14.Long a – treasure hunt words on colourful crayons, plus a funny friends writing task
15.Long I – Simon says game, including crown, necklaces and word cards
16.Long e- reading and spelling in small groups fun game
17.Long o – reading o words from rodent cards
18.Long u – making colourful cube with u words for display round the classroom
19.Short ea – quick break time task
20.Le– double up card game
21.Gn– gnome game with gnome puppets
Resources included are as follows:
49 PDF or PPT files for you to print.
A range of alphabet flashcards – some plain, some patterned, some small, medium and large, several sets of character flashcards, A4 alphabet poster, Table top line, table mats to draw and colour, table mats with famous characters, Large set of letter A4 size flashcards with pictures, another set without pictures, A4 star shaped posters each with a different letter on, Mini pencils with letters on 8 per A4 page, 130 word cards – 5 for each letter of the alphabet
Alphabet bunting with pictures, another set of alphabet buntings with different patterns on each,
Alphabet mini cards to make words or sort into order, small set of cards for one to one work,
Bingo game with boards and selection cards, 2 sets of loop cards, Alphabet fans, alphabet game, Alliteration cards, handwriting cards showing how each letter is written,
Letter stencils, lucky dip game, play doh activity, certificate, badges, sack tag, folder cover, patterned display border, backing paper to print if needed,
Word and picture cards for simple words, odd one out posters for each letter of the alphabet, word cards with missing words and matching cards, 26 letter handwriting sheets, 26 word writing worksheets, writing booklet cover, lined paper with pink borders, plain paper with borders, long banner and large letters to head wall display